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Florenca Vampira

Florenca Vampira

Token ID81736b73713ee526594c051cfd91e71125665f76ba2f98a55b740a68a077b5aa

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Florenca Vampira comes from Romania and feeds on an iron-rich diet, for which she occasionally kills small rabbits or sucks on iron pipes. She is wanted worldwide by Interpol, by Sheriff Hayden and Officer Hutchinson. However, this turns out to be relatively difficult, since Florenca exists three times. What is particularly striking is that Florenca Vampira is panic-stricken by all sorts of things. This includes among other things the massive garlic phobia. If she smells or sees a toe of the vegetable, she immediately starts to flee. Like Count Dracula, Florenca suffers from a psychosomatic allergy to the sun. Most recently, she mistook a tanning bed for her coffin. She doesn't want to be recognized as a vampire, which is why she had the Hulk virus injected into her and recently started wearing a mask. Please send any information directly to Crabbekyn, there is a bounty on her head, 19% of which goes to John Crab.



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